This is shared with fondest and ever-loving memory of Roop…my constant, my love and best friend for 12 extraordinary years…in honour of what would have been his 75th Birthday.

It’s a delightful piece from a 7” single produced by Roop of Rupert Hine Productions for Fuse Music in 1976 at Air Studios, London. And, there was quite a bit going on that year, including productions for Cafe Jacques, John Perry, Cactus Choir and Dave Greenslade, Quantum Jump and the extraordinary single Snakes Don’t Dance Fast – unique in that it contained only sounds made by Rupert/his voice, no instruments.

However, I never heard this mentioned, not even in passing – maybe he forgot about it…

Please enjoy, not the ‘A’ side, Hooray for Hollywood, but the track on side ‘B’, written by Rupert and Jeannette Obstöj, I’ll Be Gentle (Ain’t Sentimental) … it’s performed by him and so very … well, Rupert-ish!