It would be remiss of me not to pass on my condolences to you and advise of my sadness at Rupert's passing, but also to share that he brought much joy into my life, masked by the records from Saga, Rush, Peter G and RealWorld. A wonderful legacy.Good luck with the OWOV project...Looking forward to it.
Christopher McC:
I love his Music on the Better off Dead soundtrack.
S Adamson:
I'm just playing Immunity to my daughters - 8 year olds - and we've got to Make A Wish. I'm playing them the 2001 version and it's not having the same effect as the 1981 version...Thanks for all the wonderful music over the years :)
M Bezzeg:
Love your work have listened to everything you have done for decades.
M Bevilacqua:
It was March 2015 that a great change in my life forced me to relocate. I wish to express my condolences for the loss of Jeannette Obstoj that also occurred at that time. The music that you made with her words fascinated, touched and inspired me. I just want to say thank you.
J Bitterich:
just want to let you know that I love your Thinkman records and keep listening to them, I think your lyrics are visionary. Back in the 80's I loved the sound, it seemed futuresque. Today I still love it, it doesn't seem outdated.Thank you so much for your work and hours of excitement it keeps giving to me.Kind regards from Germany
D Boruch:
Thank you!
H Buchanan:
It amazed me how much you have done, with whom and are still doing it. Love your stuff :)
C de Buck:
Pick Up A Bone!
C de Buck:
During 1973, an English friend of mine brought out your album "Pick up a bone" ...Since then I've been following you ! Most probably have all your albums, Quantum Jump, Thinkman plus all the rest ! I'd just like to say "Thank You" for so much listening pleasure since all these years !
C Edholm:
A few words about Waving not Drowning /The Wildest wish to fly.I remember way back in the early 80s, at the age of 13 these two albums opened up a new world for me....sampled sounds of nature mixed with synthesizer-landscapes and piano, drum-machines mixed with real drums, topped with edgy lyrics writing...must be the most underrated albums of the 80s...So now over 30 years since I last heard your music I once again “accidently” run in to these two albums. And to my surprise, they still sound fantastic!!! If they had been released today I think my reaction would have been the same, like: Heeeey…..what is that sound?…..who is this guy?!!
S Edwards:
3 albums that have resonated since my youth - still helping me to strain for the echoes of my past. To a time when it was a golden age - where the only wish I had was to fly...It is the strangest feeling that something that I did not create - or had any hope of being able to create, has provided a mooring for an outsider like me to connect, to some degree, with the real world. Still Waving...
S Elander:
Thank you for being a part of the backdrop of my life!
S Firth:
I've been a fan of Rupert's work since my sixth-form schooldays (the early 70s)...he's played an important role in British music over five decades.
R Forsyth:
I must just use this opportunity to say how much I enjoyed your Quantum Jump albums back in the 70s. I bought the first album on the strength of hearing ‘No American Starship’ on Radio Caroline when I was 17 (they played it a lot) and went straight out and bought it. What guitar playing; it’s in my ‘best-ever guitar solos’. I also enjoyed Barracuda as well (I have both albums on vinyl - my original purchases) and CD. I was also a big fan of the Fixx and their first 3 albums. Terrific.
C Garcia:
I'm sure you've heard this complement many times over the years but I wanted to thank you for the song: "Arrested By You". It truly is a beautiful song that meant a lot to me in high school and still continues to bring smiles these many years later. Thanks!
D Gatling:
It's when go back and realize that so many of the things you've liked have something in common. From Howard Jones, to Better Off Dead etc.Bravo!
L Gobbi:
I hear something and say " Wow... that is a fantastic recording! Who produced that?" You have been one of those, for me particularly on albums you worked on with Duncan, The Fixx, Howard Jones and of course Ant*! "Wise After the Event" remains one of those gems!*Anthony Phillips
M Hennessy:
He is one of my favourite musicians...Thank you....Really love all his work. Me You Mine, Living In Sin, Firefly In The Night, The Seance, Alta Loma Road, Over Rio, Constant Forest. List goes on. One of the best voices and rips on the keyboard. Thanks!!!!!
B Hilt:
I absolutely love you, man!...The first time I ever heard of you was seeing your name on the Milla Jovovich "Divine Comedy" CD. Being well-educated musically, I immediately knew that you had everything to do with that record being one of my favorite records of any era.I became immediately a fan of yours, and since have purchased everything bearing your name. I should have done this years ago, but I'm doing so now.I'm writing to tell you that my admiration and respect of you and your exhilarating musical mind is so great that it is consuming from time to time...I adore you, sir, and consider you a rare and priceless treasure of this little blue sphere speeding through time and space.
P Horton:
I grew up listening to radio station CFNY during the spirit of radio days & ruperts songs were played often & the thinkman - the formula number featured Lisa Dalbello wow what A TRACK ! Tell Rupert I can only offer my thanks for all his creative talent ! The world would be a darkened void with out him.
I gotta mention my strongest musical experience when listening to your music though. We're talking Thinkman and The Formula...
R Jenson:
I'm sure you get a lot of mail from people. When you're famous, everyone want's a piece of you don't they. Well I really only wanted to thank you for your contribution to my life, even though you don't know me, your music has always been around me and I didn't even know that you had been such an influence!
C Jones:
Rupert's recordings are always extremely precise, even when they are 'loose'. They are built like a well-constructed edifice - nothing is out of place.
C Juul:
My teenage years were spent tracking down his singles and albums. Every person I let listen to him loved him.The Better Off Dead soundtrack and the first Thinkman albums were both my senior year high school anthems.Never was I more happy than one day around 1994 when a friend of mine returned from Italy with the 'Waving, Not Drowning', 'Immunity' , 'Hard Hat Zone', 'Life Is A Fulltime Occupation' and 'Unfinished Picture' CD's. After "The Deep End", nothing more?
Ken P:
Just discovered The Fixx "Walkabout" after so many years. WOW what an amazing album. Superb mixing, vocal tracks, Jamie's guitar...everything. How did I miss this before?
D Penney:
Thank you so much for all the beautiful music you have made over the years…and will (hopefully) keep giving us in the future (but only if you want). You are awesome!
L Krisch:
just an old kid from Germany who loved the track "Best adventures"...
L Lahti:
I still have all kinds of magic moments with the music by Rupert Hine! Way back, since I heard a record, "Waving Not Drowning", about 36 years ago it´s been like so. That record got my brain in shape, and it´s still something of the best I have ever listened to!
K McCammond:
I love your work. Thank you for sharing your art with us.
J Mentzer:
I happened across your music...but I didn't take one step past it before I was hooked! I own Immunity, Waving not Drowing, and Wildest Wish to Fly, and they are three of my all time favorites!...the name Rupert Hine is connected to more than a few of my other favorite albums! shows...and those albums are arguably their best! ...I guess I just wanted to say thanks, and I think your work as an artist and producer is brilliant! You mighty be the coolest guy ever! And don't worry, there are still some of us out there who believe in supporting good music the right way, by buying music!
K Morrell:
I am such a great fan of him & his music still and I only can hope that some day he will decide to release new music...
D Nahmod:
Just thought I'd reach out and say hello -- I applaud not only your success in the music industry, but your philanthropic and humanitarian efforts.
C Nixon:
Dear Rupert, I am a younger fan of yours. The way I discovered your music was quite by accident, as Thinkman was featured on a re-run of an episode of Miami Vice, leading me to track down LPs of all 3 Thinkman albums and later your solo work.
R Noren:
Love your music, my first album ever was "Wildest Wish to Fly".
M O'Toole:
"Misplaced Love" was one of the greatest songs of the eighties and still ranks one of my favourite songs of all time. Moody, spooky, poppy, beautifully produced and's a classic! ..... thank you for all of your fine work, you've made a the world a better place to be in, in more ways than one.
P Palmer:
I will miss Rupert.A Pioneer,An inspiration,A gentleman.
S Pálsson:
The Set Up is such a strange, captivating track. I can never put a finger on wether the narrator is being ironic, wether it represents genuine emotion, or a bit of both...I’ve only recently discovered this, looking forward to getting to know more of your solo work. It turns out that I’ve been a fan of a lot of your productions without realising it, and hearing the producer with free reign seems a purer source of the sound. I’ve actually found that I have a special fondness for producer solo music, I’ve defined for myself an imaginary genre called Producer Pop, the special weird and wonderful outings where the masterful shapers and definers of others’ music get the whole ball of clay to themselves. The outcome is often larger than life, filled with more detail than other music, and often getting away with more odd and unique things, where creative vision takes lead over the desperate need for commercial acceptance and the security that comes with that for regular artists.In other words, your music captures the imagination and piques curiosity.Thank you for the music, and happy holidays
A Patel:
Loving this soundtrack (better off dead).
C Paulson:
I grew up on a lot of the music you've produced and performed. My most favorites being Saga - Worlds Apart, The Fixx - Shuttered Room and your solo album Immunity. Worlds Apart was played by my family daily for a year in 1982-83 and holds many fond memories from my childhood in Los Angeles. I still play it often and sharing your work with my family now.I Hang On To My Vertigo is my favorite of your solo tracks. I find it to be experimental, atmospheric and catchy all at once (and the part at!)...Thank you for your incredible artistry. Your music and productions have been the soundtrack for many people's lives.
F Pidgeon:
First I want to say what an amazing musical talent you are. In particular your song Arrested by You is one of the most amazing and mesmerizing songs/melodies I have ever my top 10 of all time favourite songs...thanks so much for sharing your talent with the world so that we may experience the love, joy and emotions that music brings to our lives!
E Rasmussen:
I have listened to your music since the early eighties now - and I come back to the Wildest Wish album once or twice a year. It's the best in your discography - espescially the title song.
D Reuter:
My first experience with Rupert's music was "Immunity" that I bought as a vinyl album some weeks after its release back in the early 80s. I was surprised then to find his name on albums of bands I liked at that time (and still do)...I even realized that I knew his music before I came to know "Immunity", as I always liked Quantam Jump´s "Lone Ranger" and even more the "Barracuda" album.
Well for many it was the albums you produced for others, but for me it was always about your own self-artist albums. Hearing you sing was surely one of those forces that inspired me to become an accomplished musician myself....listening to wildest wish to fly on an original cassette played over and over till the walkman battery died...Well, thank you for this big legacy!
A Savoy:
A few years ago I visited Tamboo, but this is something new and interesting ! I wanted to ask if Mr. Hine is planning on any new solo projects or any upcoming albums as a producer? Regards from England, India and Bulgarian fans !
A Schiborr:
It was 1982 where I first listened at my parents home your immunity and waving not drowning album on vinyl. Especially the Waving not Drowning Album effects still a lot of emotions in my opinion this one was one of your really master works...As I am very interested in your music in general, I just want to say that I adore that milestone and you as an artist very much...
S Schnee:
My mom was a hip gal...During the last few years of her life, she had me make her mix CDs, which I would fill with songs I thought that she'd like....I always went by my gut, adding songs that moved me. I was hoping that they'd do the same for her.This [Heart of the Matter] is one of those songs. I introduced her to this song when she was roughly 68 years old. I remember her excitedly playing it for me, asking the name of the song and artist. I'm quite pleased that she got to enjoy this song during the last two years of her life (she passed in 2010).Thank you, Rupert Hine. From me and my mom, who is hovering up there somewhere and hopefully listening to this song with us!
O Schultheiss:
…how incredibly well-composed, well-arranged, intelligent, original, and simply beautiful your songs still are today, more than 30 years after I first listened to them. Your music (all of it that I followed, be it the Thinkman project, your solo albums, and the work you did for others such as Tina Turner, Bliss, or The Fifth Element, has been a gift in my life and I wanted to say a very heartfelt thank you! The best adventures never end!
B Sellow:
I am a huge fan of your work.
R Sigtermans:
I came across an album called 'Avatar worlds' by a band called 'Spirit'. To my surprise this turned out to be, for the greater part, a copy of one of your projects called 'One world, one voice'... it's stunning how many of your productions we have here: thanks!
M Steinwagner:
The Formula - a piece of music I listen every day to. Ok. Almost every day.:-)Now honestly: This song is with me since a long time. Just wanted to let you know that it gave me a lot of inspiration, still gives...
I think both you and YMO (Yellow Magic Orchestra) were pioneers of "Techno-pop" using primitively developing technology of studio instruments. “Immunity!”, "Waving Not Drowning”, "The Wildest Wish To Fly" trilogy is always my masterpiece of Techno-pop.
J Van Oss:
I literally just discovered your music I love it! Thanks for your talents!
What a marvellous and interesting insight you gave us to your producing and playing of music.Although I’ve heard little bits of the stories before mostly nothing like as much as in this interview. How fascinating, amusing and inspirational. We all look forward to more wonderful work you produce on.(Ref: 10-7-2019
W Webster: of my musical heroes and I adore the album Waving not Drowning which i still play today...
F Wesberg:
i just want to say Thank You for your music! Since the early 80s i'm enjoying your works during my good and my bad times. It always feels like there's one, who says what i think/man ;). All the best
C J Wikane:
...his words absolutely mean so much, he is such a creative force.
A Williams:
I find your words and your music to be a constant source of inspiration, especially such songs as "The Set Up," "Picture Phone" and "Misplaced Love." It's still hard to find thoughtful, intelligent music around...I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for having stimulated--and continuing to stimulate--my thought processes.
V Young:
I LOOOOOOOVE Stevie Nicks album the Other Side of the Mirror. Was now playing it and read that you've produced it. Wanted to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH for the Music. It's timeless.