As many of you will have heard by now, Rupert passed away on Thursday 4th June 2020. He touched many people with his creativity, kindness and insight and you’re invited to share your thoughts and recollections here.

Read Obituary


Rupert Neville Hine

21st September 1947 - 4th June 2020

Rupert, meticulous as you are, this obituary will deliberately be randomised to avoid descending into an interminable list of achievements crowding the available column inches. If people want curated stats, they are there aplenty on your Wikipedia page. I know this will irritate you because you accept eulogies politely, but wincingly. Well tough, Roop! This is from the heart. In 55 years of interfering with people’s music, their perspective on the world and their lives you have completed so much yet depart frustrated at many projects and problems left unresolved. You clung on to life for the last weeks because you have an unquenchable desire to protect, nurture and inspire. You couldn’t bear to leave your wife and friend, Fay, to her own devices. It took her permission for you to slip away, as you would have wanted, in your sleep. You were so young and impatient when you started your journey that your father had to sign your first music publishing contract, but that was the end of paternal career oversight. You have always ploughed your own furrow and your fascination with the vast expanse of musical universe drew a surreal and serpentine line. Your star as a record producer and mentor to the talented shone so bright it perhaps obscured to many your output as a singer, musician, songwriter, composer and recording artist. You had the chops, the smarts and the looks. Chiselled features, mop of curls, sensual timbre, intense smile, charisma. Early performances as Rupert and David (McIver) supporting the unknown Paul Simon promised a classic pop star path, but you were too curious, too fascinated, too much the polymath to focus on singular stardom. Perhaps you didn’t want it enough. You always sought the respect of your peers over the cheap thrill of superstardom. You led the charge into the digital age, pioneering technology that others spurned. Your saw this as another huge opportunity for capturing, preserving, collating and communicating long before the rest of us. But you never forgot that the computer was a human construct, and without humanity and artistry, its offering was barren. It was to be mastered and you have always been its master and its champion. 16 albums as you, Quantum Jump, Thinkman, Spin 1ne 2wo and as a soundtrack composer show you were never merely a backroom boffin but, barring the questionable “Lone Ranger” with QJ, you didn’t seem interested in making your own hits. You wouldn’t compromise enough. Instead, the possibilities of drawing millions of ears to the artists you produced and wrote for brought wealth and pleasure, allowing you time to explore and experiment. You delved into the depths of musical and sound recording possibility, studying its essence and its effect. With your lifelong friend and recording, mixing and production collaborator, Stephen W Tayler joined at the hip, you championed unknowns and musicians dismissed as over-the-hills. You helped bring us the infectious synth hooklines of Howard Jones and the overpowering re-incarnation of Tina Turner. You touched and altered the lives of so many, from the Dalai Lama to Dusty Springfield, Kevin Ayers to Imogen Heap, Jeannette Obstöj to Milla Jovovich. Uh oh! ‘No Lists’. To each of the hundreds of people, musical, creative, spiritual, political, technological you have influenced, you’ve ignited a spark in their lives. And throughout, you have been kind, polite, encouraging and honest… armed merely with a raised eyebrow, sideways glance and a wry smile to call out twaddle. Unlike many in this self-obsessed industry, you followed the rules of karma. You gave back, massively. You mentored talent without reward, you invested in new writers and performers. You worked tirelessly as the Chair of the Songwriters Committee of the British Association of Songwriters, Composers and Arrangers (BASCA) as well as a Board Member and sitting on the Ivor Novello Awards Committee. You utilised your supreme powers of persuasiveness to bring disparate music industry people together, to give them political clout, co-founding the Music Producers Guild and as a member of the US National Academy of Recording Art and Sciences. And you were recognised for that giving, receiving your Association of Professional Recording Services Fellowship from Sir George Martin in 2011. In the last few years, you’ve intervened in the loss of income to musicians and composers in the on-line world, setting up OCL, One-Click Licence Ltd with silicon valley entrepreneur, Alan Graham and picking your way through the minefield of rights owners, streaming companies, creators and absorbers of copyright content. You are a wily old fool, Roop, teeth-itchingly charming, eloquent, seductive. As Fay said today, “He never did anything he didn’t want to.” But you certainly knew how to convince people to do things they thought they didn’t want to. You have always known how to exploit the persuasive power of music. You campaigned for Tibet through the Grammy nominated “Songs For Tibet” and “Songs For Tibet II”. Your collaboration with Kevin Godley, Stephen Tayler, the BBC and hundreds of the world’s greatest musicians, “One World, One Voice” 30 years ago, was a gargantuan effort for the environment and for peace. Heaven knows we need it again now and its 30th Anniversary re-release by Esoteric/Cherry Red Records is eagerly anticipated (; I wish you were here to see the Beeb re-broadcast the film later this year. You’ve always treated your followers as family, more recently through the innovative digital community, The Curious Kind, an on-line mailing list that took to the ether in the early 1990s and your award-winning website, which is your legacy, a digital spirit guide to musical knowledge, anecdotes, lessons and ideas curated by you and left for us to plunder. Above all, you have convinced people to believe in themselves. Bob Geldof called you a few days ago told you as much. As far as he’s concerned, you reminded him that he was a musician. Imogen Heap wrote a long letter saying your enthusiasm and belief in her was what stopped her giving up. You’ve given so much to so many of us, especially to your son, Kingsley, your stepchildren, Amy and Sam, your former wife, Natasha and your devoted wife, Fay, who I know you adored. There are over 160 albums out there with your name on them, Rupert. Some of them contain songs people around the world hold in their hearts. The people who made them with you can only heap praise on you for your generosity of spirit, your skill in finding the best in people and your passion for everything. And now you’ve gone ahead. Let’s hope you can bring some semblance of harmony to those celestial jam sessions. Yours, Neville Farmer, a friend. Rupert Hine leaves his wife, PR Consultant Fay Morgan Hine, his son, Kingsley Hine, his step-children Amy Armstrong and Sam Armstrong, his former wife, Natasha Barrault, and his sister, the artist Julie Juniper.


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    Benni MRupert was life-changing for me as a young guy. He still is...Thank you, for being Rupert Hine! I am still Waving Not Drowning!

    Phil WSo very sorry to hear about the passing of Rupert Hine. The albums he wrote in the 1980s are some of my absolute favourite of the period. A gifted musician, and a peerless producer. He will be missed.

    Gerold EI want to " make a wish " for a good journey in another world for a greatful musican ! When I was 14 (1981) I won Immunity (vinyl). Since then I have enjoyed listening to his personal and produced music.Of course I still have the record. Thanks for working passion and thanks as well to all the people who where near him !!!

    Miklos EThank you for the music ❤

    DanRIP Rupert!!🙏

    Andy PThank you for all the music you created both as an artist and producer. One of my favorite songs as a child was the science fiction song "Picture Phone" which became a reality a couple of years later and the song still plays regularly at my home. Rest in peace with love from Sweden!

    Henri VThanks for the music.....It has made my youth a better place. RIP

    JörgWhat a Great Legacy he leaves  behind.

    Christopher PThere is so very much I could say about the man and his impact upon my own vocation as an aspiring musician (and now as a graphic artist). But perhaps it is enough to publicly appreciate his boundless and fearless passion and vision as a pioneer and trailblazer. He said it best when, in a recent interview, he argued for the artists he produced to become more of who they are, for in so doing, he was able to become more of who he was. This is the most enduring and significant of reciprocities, and a mode of thought I have since taken to heart in the strides of my own life and craft.

    Chris BThank you for your unique music, Rupert. May you rest peacefully.  Since finding an LP of Pick Up a Bone secondhand in the early 80's (and later a copy of Unfinished Picture) there has always been one of your incomparable solo albums either near, or on, my turntable, providing enjoyment, satisfaction and, most importantly, insight.  The world is a far less understandable place now.

    Phil TI never met Rupert but he was without doubt my favourite producer of all time, responsible for a huge number of my favourite albums, both of his own and by other artists for whom he produced. He was a musical genius and a major inspiration to me as an experimental electronic musician, and I'm in shock over his passing as I tend to deify people of such overwhelming talent and assume they must be immortal. My deepest sympathy to his family and friends. He may have left us, but his music and legacy will last forever.

    Pete WDeeply saddened by the passing of Rupert Hine. I’m nobody, but I was a huge fan from the first time I heard his music. He influenced my taste in music probably more than any other. Regardless, the music he created and produced and influenced in others has been some of the most special in my life. Not knowing him, he seems like he was a very good soul who has left his mark and a legacy for many to appreciate. Peace and love for all of his family and friends by whom he undoubtedly will be greatly missed. I miss him and honestly believed he would be with us forever. His spirit lives on in all the fantastic work he left us. ❤️

    Mike BRoop,  thank you for your kindness and generous wisdom,   Our times together will always be some of my greatest memories.    I cherish every word and every moment.  My heart goes out to Fay.  Godspeed.   ❤️

    Stewart GRupert Hine was my regular turntable/CD/mp3  companion for decades.  Unfinished Picture was the first album where I had to buy a second vinyl copy because the first copy wore out from too much playing. I can still remember waiting months to track down an imported copy of Pick Up A Bone after discovering Unfinished Picture.  These 2 albums seem to live in another time and universe, I don't know why, but they seem to come from a very European  kind of Englishness.  Intelligent and emotional in equal parts. After such an amazing beginning he shone for the rest of his career. Deeply missed.

    Fredrik LAn important part of my youth and still

    MickThank you for the music

    Yuji A"The Wildest Wish to Fly" is my favorite album. I was fascinated by the magical sound when I first heard it. The music with sharp sound always attracts me, and every time I hear it, there are new discoveries.Great musician, Rupert  Hine!Thank you for your music.

    Markus MR.I.P. Mr. Rupert Hine, a deep Influence in my musical life. The joy of his music will be immortal. Thank You!

    David AI've been listening to Rupert since I was about 9. My father discovered his 80's solo productions which was played often at home but also in the car. I got hooked early. When I grew older I got hold of those fabulous lyrics which added such depth to the music I had learned to love. In the end of the 90's I wrote an e-mail to Rupert. I told him my story and how much his music meant to me. I was surprised to receive a warm and thankful reply back from him. I'm so glad I took the opportunity that time. I will continue to listen and cherish Rupert's solo works (and productions) until the day I stop breathing. Rest in peace, Roop! "There is a sanctuary, beyond this place, this universeSo far from our time, another frequency -And one perfect reason"

    Rae JI am truly heartbroken to hear about poor Roop.  He was such a kind man. One of a kind. A true inspiration to so many people and changed the world of music. Not many people can be said to have done that. What a life and what a loss.Sending love to Fay and family xx

    Geoff JHappy trails dear Roop.Such lovely energy around your leaving.I can only believe you are heading off somewhere delightful.A joy being part of yours and my soulmate Jeannette's journey for so many decades in this life.Miss you both so very much, but what a legacy and joyful memories you have left us!A smile.

    Maire MOverwhelmingly sad news -such a lovely man- his own albums have been constant companions since the 80's. Guy (Forrester) & I were priviledged to share a day at Farmyard - he could never have imagined how deeply his music  and sound still touches and influences us..  RIP Rupert Hine

    Andrew LI've been asked a few times over the years, "If you could work with any producer on one of your albums, who would it be?"My answer, without missing a beat, has always been "Rupert Hine".

    MicheleI was very close to Rupert in the 90's. We would get a bit and thencome by my office and play me the fabulous music he was working on and I would share some of mine. Among my faves was his amazing work with Katy Segal! I love those songs!  R.I.P. Roop! You are very loved! Loved by me and so many!  Thank you for the music and expertise and your beautiful soul!  Forever! Michèle

    Andy DI first fell in love with his music when I heard the Fixx as a kid.  Not too soon after that I saw Better Off Dead.  The entire album I fell in love with, especially Arrested By You.  My wife and I still listen to that song today and it sounds just as fresh and vibrant as the day it came out.  I love his Thinkman project and I still laugh at the fact that he used actors on stage for public appearances.  He was an absolute innovator with technology and music.  I listen to him at least once a day to this day.  I'll always love him!!!!!!

    Rob V GThe passing of Rupert Hine was brought to my attention today by an old friend.. I'm in the middle of a very busy period atm, so I've been off all social media and hence missed the very sad news.. I was introduced to Ruperts music  by the late Swedish radio host Kjell Alinge at the dawn of the 80's. And I still remember when radio colleague Kaj Kindvall played Misplaced Love and The Set-up on the national chart show called Poporama. Ever since I've been hooked and a great admirer of Roops music skills. I consider him being one of the best producers of the last century - up there with a few other fellowers like Giorgio Moroder, Trevor Horn  and William Orbit - and his masterpiece still being the album The Wildest Wish To Fly. I'm truly shocked and saddened by the news of his passing and I wish I've had the opportunity to meet him in person and thank him for his outstanding contributions to the world of music. My thoughts and condoleances goes to his wife Fay, his collaborator Ollie, his friends and family, and last but not least, his fans all over the world. Thank you for the music, Rupert.R.I.P.

    Wulf WDear family of Rupert, with deep regrets I learned that Rupert died. His music comforted me much in my teens as kind of an outsider (mathematically gifted, small and unathletic, i.e. the typical nerd) and has set my musical tastes. I admire the complexity of the arrangements, the strange sounds and inspiring topics of the songs and they still give me the shivers after all these decades. As a school kid, my friend and I went to Farmyard Studios and were very welcome by the staff. Later, I had the privilege to talk to Rupert on the phone and I am still stunned, how very nicely he treated me, a nervous teenage fan communicating in broken English. He too me serous!I always had the plan to thank him for the joy his music gives to me by sending a parcel with home-made jam across the Atlantic, but never dared to ask for an address. Well, that chance was not taken by me but perhaps, these words give a bit comfort to you. I am very happy that Rupert existed and his timeless works will last. Best wishes from Germany,

    Elsza RI never knew Rupert personally. I knew his music from the 80s. I was delighted to know he had married my lovely friend Fay. My husband, Paul, knew his music and productions better than I did. I was so sorry to hear of his passing. My heart goes out to Fay and to all Rupert’s family and friends.

    Michael WAs the executive producer of the Songs for Tibet albums, I had the good fortune of working with Rupert; getting to know him through these experiences was a tremendous blessing. His musical gifts were only exceeded by his kind and generous heart. The first time I spoke with Rupert was in April of 2008. It was a few months before the 2008 Beijing Olympics and I had an idea to make an album to raise awareness of the plight of Tibetans and the Dalai Lama. Our common friend Geoff connected Roop and I; we spoke for several hours. I learned that Rupert had produced so many albums that I absolutely adored. From Camel, to Anthony Phillips to Rush (I’m a huge fan) – and so many others. Rupert was working on another project at the time. Despite my being a stranger outside of the music industry, he heard my pitch and asked lots of questions and shared many wonderful insights and stories. I explained that we had around 100 days to create an album to release by the beginning of the Beijing Olympics and it couldn’t wait. Luckily, Rupert was profoundly concerned about the world. He cared about culture, people, the environment, the suffering of beings – the health and authenticity of the bio- and ethno-spheres. While not a Buddhist in name, Roop embodied so many beautiful traits of Buddhism: kindness, compassion, clarity of thinking and a sense of humor that emanated partly from his mouth, but very much from his eyes. He agreed to take a hiatus from the project he was working on to be the musical producer for the first Songs For Tibet album. We had a mad 100-day dash to complete an album with 20 songs and I saw all the parts of his genius come out. While Rupert’s musical abilities were easy to spot, those that worked with him also had the treat of experiencing all his myriad of intelligences: listening to and understanding people, bringing out the best in those that worked with him, his always amazing insights from seeing the world just a little differently, his tremendous wit, his equanimity, an unrivaled charm and on and on. We spoke daily for hours and it was always a thrill. His mind and heart were infectious. My experience is probably shared by many that worked with Rupert – friendship was at the heart of his work; it is what made his work transformative for all it touched. I am sure I am not alone in this thought. Songs for Tibet could not have happened without Roop’s devotion and expertise. He skillfully brought critical elements together to make a wonderfully musical and historic album that reverberated across the world when it was released at the start of the Beijing Olympics. Within days, China shut down iTunes due to the athletes downloading the album in solidarity with Tibet. It became the #1 rock download around much of the world. Rush’s song went on to garner a Grammy nomination. That’s what 100 days of being with Roop could do. We then went on to create a Songs for Tibet II album for the Dalai Lama’s 80th birthday a few years later, which Rupert made equally brilliant. We worked together on a number of things through the years and I always welcomed an excuse to confer with Roop about something –to be in his delightful sphere of being. He captured a piece of what is so delicious about being alive, about being engaged, about creating in the world. My time with Rupert compelled me to live more fully. With Rupert’s passing, the world has lost a champion for that which is good and right and beautiful.

    John BWe net just the once at Trevor Horn's rehearsal studio launch party. I was very much a  "nobody" in a sea of talented and famous musicians at the event. You took the time to talk, you  showed interest, you were so humble and so very kind. Your family are so lovely.Listening to your music and the music you have produced over the years is a huge education. I hope I learned something from you. I know I tried!Thank you so much for inspiring so many..My love to your lovely family and the so many friends you leave behind who have known you so much longer than the 20 mins we spoke. Based on that 20mins I know how much they will miss you.God bless. RIP and Thank you x

    Robert LI am very sorry to hear of the passing of Rupert Hine. I became a fan of his when I saw the movie Better Off Dead when I was 11. His song “Arrested by You” is one of my favourite tracks. I came to appreciate over the years the length and breadth of his talent and his legendary status in the music industry.. He is sorely missed. My heartfelt condolences to his family and loved ones, RIP.

    Judy RHey you!!! I learned so much from you and always left thinking, I could listen to this man talk for days. We’ve had some unforgettable times together, including one of the top 10 moments of my life, when we were sitting at that picnic table outside the Henson studio and Sir Paul came bounding out and over to you like a schoolboy greeting his best friend. One of the Beatles hugging and fawning over my friend Rupert with such exuberance! It was like a dream. Especially when he took us inside to play us the song that he had just finished recording. Just another day in the life of the beloved Rupert Hine, so stunningly admired by so many. No one has a bad word to say about you Roop. With all your achievements—which are innumerable—the greatest of all is that you are so loved. Revel in that and be proud. We are. I adore you. Love just isn’t a big enough word to express how deeply I feel about you. You changed me--made me a better human--and for that I am forever grateful.

    Romaine RI have the goosebump to read this (Mike Wohl) testimonial.He had inspire so many people. I'm so happy you had the happiness you deserved with Roop. We miss you all.

    Bente H

    For the short time I got to meet Rupert, I quickly saw what a wonderfull man he was, and I’m grateful that I meet him.
    I’m sending you lots of love and best wishes

    Hervé DenoyelleI still remember vividly my first encounter with Rupert Hine’s music. It was the summer of ’78 and I was leafing through the record collection of English friends. I picked up ‘Barracuda’ by Quantum Jump and played it through. I got immediately hooked by the closing track ‘Neighbours’, its improvised feel and Rupert’s voice. Keeping a mental note of the singer’s name, I didn’t cross path with Rupert’s music again until 1981 when I read rave reviews of his ‘Immunity’ album. The name clicked again and I decided to buy the album. Expecting further solo extensions of Quantum Jump and ‘Neighbours part II’, I was soon proven wrong. There was nothing like ‘Immunity’ in 1981. This album kick-started the 80’s with creative sound manipulation, bringing the embryonic ‘processed sound’ to the studio, opening the doors to the use of the then recently launched Fairlight and later Pro Tools. ‘Immunity’ was - and still is - a major turning point in modern music history. Wanting more, I soon discovered that Rupert was also an up and coming producer. With much surprise, I realized I already owned ‘Sides’ and ‘Wise after the event’ from Anthony Phillips which he’d produced. An incredible opportunity happened in 1983 when I was invited to spend a few days at Farmyard studios to see Canadian band Saga recording ‘Heads or Tales’. The icing on the cake obviously was the chance to meet with Rupert and watch him work in the studio with Stephen W Tayler. I realized that these two were greater than the sum of their parts and had now matured into one of the best possible duets behind the recording desk. As a producer, Rupert was now playing Premier League among the likes of Hugh Padgham, Steve Lillywhite, Daniel Lanois and Trevor Horn. After what is being known as the A&M trilogy (‘Immunity’ / ‘Waving Not Drowning’/ ‘Wildest Wish To Fly’) Rupert took things a step further and embarked on the ‘one man band’ Thinkman venture. It is hard to believe that -after the A&M trilogy- Rupert found time for Thinkman. Much in demand as a producer, the years 1985 to 1990 were just a steady flow of top charting records from the Fixx, Tina Turner, Chris de Burgh, Waterboys, Howard Jones, Bob Geldof, Thompson Twins, Stevie Nicks, Rush… all produced by Rupert Hine. Thinkman was not just a commercial effort, it brings the best ingredients of 80’s music with pertinent electronic sounds, cleverly multi-layered synthesizers, patient studio craft, all serving catchy tunes. Those who remember Thinkman will surely enjoy the recently released compilations*. For the new comers reading this note: ‘Let’s break down the Formula’ and listen to these. Hervé Denoyelle (Curious Kind) (*Unshy on the Skyline and fighting Apathy with Shock).

    Jim DTo me, he was merely an exceptional musical talent and advocate for the value and power of music and technology... I'm sure there have been world class musicians offering their condolences and I'm just a music blogger, but my sentiments are just as real. My brother-in-law Chris once found himself attending a School Of Rock conference and met Mr. Hine that weekend, getting to know him and his reputation at that time as they shared a convivial friendship that weekend. He confided to me that he was not looking forward to following him on the dais as the next presenter after meeting him. When he told me about this when we were visiting recently, I lit up when he mentioned Rupert Hine as I proceeded to tell him how I had been a fan since 1982, describing his career in some depth to him. At the time I envied Chris in meeting a musical hero of mine. In the Southeast US I don't get too many chances to meet my favorite musicians and thank them for their work that inspired and thrilled me so let me extend thanks to you now, instead. His body of work that I have is exceptionally strong and is very congruent with my musical aesthetic.

    EileenI am so very sad to read Rupert has gone.. I  cleaned his flat in the early 70s and it was the best day of the week for me.. Rupert was charming and always friendly and took the time to talk about the world at length..There was always a sense of fun and creativity in the air and I more often than not socialised with David Lyn and Rupert than get on with any cleaning.. I have followed his music down the years and constantly reminded people that I proudly knew him.. He was a natural musical genius and the world is now a sadder place... RIP  Ruper  I am so happy to have known you....x

    James HI invited Rupert to the launch of my biography of Kenny Everett back in 2013 and couldn't believe when he accepted. Kenny had championed Quantum Jump's single Lone Ranger on both his radio and television shows and as well as attending the event Rupert also agreed to be interviewed. I wish we'd recorded it. Rupert had an amazing memory and after regaling us all with stories about Kenny he treated us to a flawless rendition of Taumata-whaka-tangi-hanga-kuayuwo-tamate-aturi-pukaku-piki-maunga-horonuku-pokaiawhen-uaka-tana-tahu-mataku-atanganu-akawa-miki-tora. This, as you'd imagine, brought the house down!Rupert's appearance was undoubtedly one of highlights of the day and I'll always be very grateful - and very impressed. What an absolute gent.Rest in peace Rupert X

    Jan VWith OWOV, Rupert opened a door for me to discover the beautifulness of world music as a global language.This music is in my heart ever since. I am deeply indebted to Rupert for this revelation. Musicians I would never have heard of are my musical favourites since that special night in 1990.Thank You Rupert.

    David MFollowed Rupert’s musical journey since the Quantum Jump days.Such a wonderful, creative musician and so many distinctive songs.Thank you for the journey Roop.

    NicolaThe Lone Ranger was the first single I ever bought. I was 11 years old and out for the day with my Nana in Brighton when I bought it.  Now as a 52 year old listening to it again I can appreciate the awesome production and playing as I perhaps couldn't then. I've watched the video and listened to this song over and over again since I heard Rupert Hine had passed away. I'd like to say a big thank you to him and the band for creating this amazing track and memories both past and present. My condolences to Rupert's loved ones. God Bless and Rest In Peace

    Michelangelo LRIP to the great music producer of the 1980's along played in band 1970's along with great 50 years of music . May jesus help you all amen. big Stevie Nicks fan.

    Darryl SWhat an extraordinary, accomplished and generous life he lived.I am honored to have met him and to have shared a few moments with him -- made possible by your and his gift to TREE Academy.His embrace of life was inspiring -- a man deeply dedicated to creating goodness, light and joy in the world.In Gratitude,Darryl

    Ted TI first learned of Rupert in 1981 when "Immunity" was released. A friend who worked at a local record store recommended it and showed me the promo version which had a pink outer cover with only words to intrigue the listener as to what was within. I've been a fan ever since and bought many albums based only on the fact that Rupert was listed as the producer (e.g. The Fixx, Howard Jones & Saga, to mention a few from that era). Thinkman was also great, and I was excited when I learned he would produce Rush. I later discovered Rupert's older band Quantum Jump when those albums were re-issued while I was a member of the "The Curious Kind"  e-mail list that Rupert would sometimes take part in.  He even replied to an email I sent asking him to consider producing my band - He turned me down but I was honored that he even bothered to respond. I still consider "Immunity", "Waving Not Drowning" and "Wildest Wish To Fly" to be sonic masterpieces - dynamic songs with Rupert's expressive voice, Jeannette-Therese Obstoj's wonderful lyrics, and recording techniques and technology, that all worked together to elevate the songs into unforgettable experiences. As a tribute, I'll be featuring several songs from the aforementioned three Rupert albums on my weekly "progressive rock" radio show this weekend.  Thank you Rupert. Fly high.

    Kai H:Rupert, I am deeply saddened that you have ascended to musical heaven, too. I am sure you will have a lot of fun up there in the big band with all the others.Thank you for so many wonderful moments and emotions that only music can express and transmit. Thank you for so much beautiful music from you (Immunity, Thinkman), from The Fixx, Saga, Howard Jones.One day, God willing, I will be able to listen to your concerts up there. It will be a great honour for me.

    Britt P I'll never forget him. I am having his song "snakes don't dance fast" as my Telephon ring.

    Ruud P Thank you Rupert Hine for making my world a little better. I'll always have your music by my side...

    Jan S And the show may be overBut the music lingers...My Moon and your SunWill forever be passing...Make our love everlasting

    Christopher G So sorry to hear this news. I still listen to t hose three solo albums of the 1980s . So intelligent, so good and so sadly underrated. Condolences to all those close to him.

    Octa L Thank You Rupert for all your contribution in several of my favorite records. RIP My condolences to the Family.

    Michael B Thanks Rupert Hine and all the other musicians which created the superb Quantum Jump albums. Highly original songs which I heard again and again in the last decades - and shurely will hear again. Time to check Ruperts other music now. R.I.P.

    Jean-Dominique D A big part of my own life's gone. Rest in peace Roop.

    Gottfried D Thank you for our awesome musical projects and highlights. Rupert Hine forever.

    Manfred C Thank you Rupert, for your immense inspiration. Rest in peace.

    Denis B Sometimes, certain songs help you to live through difficult moments. Rupert's songs did that for me, and I can't thank him enough for cheering me up with his unique musical touch. He was an invisible friend who brought a lot to my life.There shines our promised land - we can go thereYou'll smile in wonder - love makes us strongRIP Rupert and condolences to your loved ones.

    Bruno F very Dear Rupert Hine. Thank You for your musics, your productions,your incredible voice, your sweet kindness. I discovered you through my love for Howard Jones' HUMAN'S LIB when I was 14, and began later to collect all your albums and productions, looking for your name on the album sleeves with fervour, hoping to hear your voice in some of the backing vocals. I was about 20 when I first dared to contact you directly.In the 90's, it was not so easy.Fax, letters, and very first e-mails. With an extreme kindness, you simply gave to the young little French man that I was the unexpected permission to make a musical video for the NOVEMBER WHALE track from THINKMAN. Surprised to see that I had chosen to put forward the beauty of the lyrics and music using sea waves patterns, you had seen some interesting signs in this, and I was proud to read that you did the same kind of shoots for one of your previous video - it was just a weird coincidence as I did not know that, not really allowed at the time to see your music videos on the French TV channels. You had sent me a really fine feedback about this work, and I was proud to write you last year that I finally had achieved to digitize and remaster the video to put it on the net, with your authorization. From far to far, keeping in touch, exchanging words about a possible ONE WORLD ONE VOICE 2 (I had been so touched to know you had came in my birth town to film one of the artist of this huge and wonderful 1990 TV work), you had also showed your interest for the collective project that I wanted to launch, an animated chained video on THE A TO Z OF YOU AND ME.I did not have time to do it before you leave...But I will try, I promise, later... Because for now, I have to compose with an infinite sadness.As Peter Gabriel has sung, "I grieve". But be sure, very Dear Rupert (if you allow this instead of the constant "Dear Mr. Hine" I always have used), that I will never forget the great words you took time to write to me, which will always be there, like your musics and voice, deep inside my heart and soul.Like forever in my life. With Love,and sweet thoughts for all your family and friends."We will meet again, I know",in the next world, next time, I hope.Yours, faithfully,Bruno.

    Mooly Dear RupertYou have always been my shining star.With you, I lived without losing sight of my music.The music you make was very beautiful, delicate and intelligent.I am proud that I was impressed by living in the same age as you.

    Rick J R.I.P Rupert, Made some of my favourite albums, thanks for the memories, thanks for the music. Cheers

    Tim C So sorry to hear about Rupert’s passing. His music was a beacon to me growing up in the 80s and has remained a huge influence on my musical life. Rest In Peace good sir.

    Jim D I was terribly saddened to hear of Mr. Hine's passing on Friday. I was a fervent fan of the astonishing music that he created under his own name or that of Thinkman. He had a firm grasp of the possibilities of technology as applied to music and yet his partnership with Jeanette Obstoj questioned so many aspects of our society in an insightful manner that was certainly not the work of artists with any blinders on. Far from it. Ultimately, I have to admit that I was disappointed in the fact that his extremely successful production career kept him out of the studio himself as I valued his own music above his production turns. My brother-in-law once met Mr. Hine at a music seminar [where he was presenting] and found him to be vivid company that weekend. I regret that I never had the opportunity to discuss music with Mr. Hine like my brother-in-law had. My condolences to his family in this difficult time.

    Håkan You have been folowing me since the eighties - you will surley be folowing me in to my 80s. Thank you.

    Max V Today Junne the 8th I learnt of Rupert's passing away ..I am deeply shocked and saddened ..specially as Roop and i were old forends goi9ugn back to our life in France / Paris and i'd vist him at his Chateau and recording studio...a sensitive man a great listener and i'm so sorry to loose him really nothing clever to say here just very hurt he has left us.I loved Rupert very much the admiration and respect I had for him had nothing to do with his work ..i just found a friend.Fondly

    Tiny Magnetic Friends Your unfortunately much too unknown songs have influenced our life here at Last Friday we listened to "Take them to the traitors' gate" without knowing that you are no longer with us. A sign? Rupert, thanks for everything!

    Rudy S I admired Rupert's work immensely for 40 years, as an artist and as a producer. He must have had the best musical ears ever. His music will stand the test of time. My condolences to all his relatives.

    Juergen Hi Rupert! With a shock i read of your passing from Facebook from Michael Sadler (SAGA). I met your music when i was 14 and i loved every record of it. Especially Immunity, Waving not Drowning and The wildest Wish to Fly were all masterpieces for me, also all of the Thinkman-Albums. I also loved the Soundtrack from "Better of Dead". I can clearly say my youth was influenced from your music. Thank you for all the moments i experienced with your music and your voice. Your style of music was just special. Rest in Piece Rupert!

    Thomas L 45 years in music brought me three people who deeply touched my soul: Adrian Borland, Steve Kilbey and Rupert Hine. Forever grateful! Rest in peace.

    David G Cher Rupert,Ta musique m'a accompagné durant trente ans. Tu as été un grand magicien et un grand explorateur du son, si déroutant, si intime dans tes compositions en solo et si généreux et à l'écoute de l'univers des autres dans tes productions. Thank you for all these musical journeys.

    Carsten O So now Rupert Hine is gone... For me the biggest loss of a musician since Rio Reiser (1996), Grant McLennan (2006) and Holger Czukay (2017) ! No, I didn't appreciate him for his (legitimate) successes as a producer, but since his earliest youth for his own music.It all started in 1981 with the radio broadcast of a concert, which I recorded in very poor quality on cassette. One of my best friends and I listened to these 4 songs over and over again, and could hardly believe these sounds, these melodies ! But we did not even know the name of this "unknown band" and searched for it in vain. Only years later, the aforementioned friend suddenly stood in front of my door and showed me 2 identical LPs - one for himself, one for me. He simply bought one for me without asking me <3. It was the LP "Immunity" and although we liked it very much, every note of this radio recording was even more sacred and important to us than anything Rupert Hine ever recorded in the studio ! I myself bought all the solo albums of Rupert Hine over the years and was also a big fan of his rather technoid sounding band "Thinkman". Only his works with "Quantum Jump" from the 70s are still a gap in my education for me...In my early days on the Internet I found Rupert's homepage and wrote him exactly this story. First, his web designer told me that he forwarded my message to Rupert. And a few days later I actually received a personal e-mail from Rupert, who meanwhile lived with his studio in Hollywood. I still remember his greeting "Warmest regards, Rupert" .I broadcasted his music from time to time in my radio show, and it experienced great revivals several times in my own life anyway. For example, the old "Make A Wish" was one of my favorite songs in 2014. Rest in peace, Rupert Hine (21 September 1947-4 June 2020)

    Alfonso Your smile, the mistery of your eyes, your kindness. Only three days but as it said, live an Etnosur is to live one life.Thanks for all, Mr Hine. Farewell.

    Karen GA gentleman, an inspiration, a friend.  What pleasure to have worked on so many projects with you over the years.RIP Roop de Doop. You will be so missed.❤️

    NominjinIt’s such a pity that he left us so soon. I had just gotten the resources to re-record the songs that our Roopey produced from the Mumbai and LA project. He was the best mentor any 17 year old could ask for. I will always cherish the 2 years he spent helping me hone my skills as an artist. It has largely shaped my world view about the creative process. I will miss him dearly 💕🙏🏻

    Gerd HThe work of a great artist can change people's lives. In fact, the albums "Immunity" and "Waving Not Drowning" changed mine.

    Kimo & Ka'iulani   (Knox/Visiko)Aloha Fay,Kimo & I send our love & prayers!Meeting you & Rupert at the Kauai Music Festival was such a pleasure. We will always remember having quiet time and drinks with you both, at the hotel bar (and while we waited for our flights) in the Lihue, Kauai Airport.Fay & all, We pray that your peaceful memories help you through this time of much sadness.Blessings Ka'iulani  & Kimo 💜🌺

    Johan BLearning of Rupert’s passing I was deeply saddened. It wasn’t just because he was one of the four  most influential musicians to inspire me in my early teens - the other three being Kate Bush, Gary Numan and Peter. It was because I feel I knew him. I was 13 when I heard him on the radio and ordered Immunity to the only record store in the small industrial town in central Finland I might have wasted my youth in if I hadn’t. Yes, that is an exaggeration, but as one of the quartet and as perhaps the most imaginative and uncompromising of them all he helped me see my divergence as an asset rather than an issue. It was ok to not blend in. I’m thankful for that and happy for all of us for having been touched by him. Today I gave my 39 year old Immunity a spin and traveled in time. Thank you, Rupert.

    Sony HDear Rupert,I'll never forget the evening I met you and your beloved, Fay, at an event in Santa Monica. The room was full, I came in and almost walked right out. Mingling isn't my strong point. You quickly picked up on that, introduced me to a few people and set me at ease.  Though our paths never crossed again we exchanged emails and hoped to all see each other again. Thank you for your kindness, compassion and for your amazing and generous contribution to the music industry. You will be greatly missed.Sony

    Clifford EMid to late 70's I stole my eldest brothers Barracuda album; it sounded cool and I wanted to impress my friends with my music choice. It worked a treat and my mates thought it was cool and by implication so was I. We, as 15/16 year old young men, got stoned, done silly dancing and made numerous visits to the fridge, choreographed by this enchanting music. We still talk about this album. The way Rupert weaved beautiful poetry into mystical, whimsical, narratives. Stories that got you thinking. Cynical but not bitter. Sincere but not too serious. All beautifully produced and arranged. Quote: "Living is a horizontal fall". Thank you for the music Rupert.

    SteveYour spirit will be reborn, and in about 20 years, the world see a quantum leap forward in new technology, music, and collective consciousness. You were a gifted alien from another world, thank you for making our world more enjoyable while you visited!

    Pascal BPlease find below an hommage for Rupert i wrote in French . His music and his voice were a part of me along with Jeannette beautiful lyrics that still are amazing  me when I quote them without thinking.“They couldn’t think of a number so they gave me a name” and yours won’t be forgotten Rupert my friend.

    Chris LThere are moments in your life when there's an incredible emptiness in your heart.  Where someone you admired from afar, who has inspired you, has entertained you, passes away.  It's not like I knew Rupert, or ever met him, but I greatly enjoyed his work.  Be it as part of Quantum Jump, or solo, or as Thinkman, or producing all those amazing records for countless amazing artists.     I explained to my wife what it meant to me (I don't usually well up with tears)...the rich tapestry of artistic endeavour Rupert leaves behind.  All those songs on my iPod that get replayed and sung along with.  Those slabs of melted vinyl and slivers of silver-plastic discs with a lifetime's creation held within.  I was always in awe of the music...of just how great it was.  As a music fan, buff...I've always been disappointed that mainstream pop culture didn't list Rupert on all those silly all-time lists with Bowie or The Beatles.  It mattered to me...all that art and music and endeavour.  Reading many of the tributes, it appears there were plenty of us out there, collecting, connecting the dots of the varied and interesting and entertaining career that Rupert produced.  To those who knew him well, who loved him...his family, his friends, his audience and fans, condolences to you all.  The world has lost an exceptionally wonderful musician.  May pop culture and music endeavour chisel in the name of Rupert Hine as one of the greats.  Travel well, rest in peace.  And thank you so very, very much.

    Thomas RI've been listening to the man since the early magic days of the 80's new wave and last week, when I heard the news, tearful I listened the whole day to all the great music of Rupert Hine and Jeannette Obstoj - thanks for everything

    Johan BI read of Rupert’s passing on Peter Gabriel’s page and was somewhat surprised by how much it saddened me. It wasn’t just because he was one of the four most influential musicians to inspire me in my early teens - the other three being Kate Bush, Gary Numan and Peter. It was because I feel I knew him. I was 13 when I heard him on the radio and ordered Immunity to the only record store in the small industrial town in central Finland I might have wasted my youth in if I hadn’t. Yes, that is an exaggeration, but as one of the quartet and as perhaps the most imaginative and uncompromising of them all he helped me see my divergence as an asset rather than an issue. I’m thankful for that and happy for all of us for having been touched by him. Today I gave my 39 year old Immunity a spin and traveled in time. Thank you, Rupert.

    Chris ASo sad to learn the passing of Rupert. He's been one of my favorite producers ever and I love his solo works... Thanks for the music and be happy to leave this crazy world...CA

    J ConnorHi Ho Silver Away.Ride In To Tomorrow Today

    Dirk OMany thanks for many of the most beautiful moments in my life when I was allowed to listen to your music

    Stephen PRIP Rupert,Thank you for the music and enjoyment.

    MartinaThank you for having a wonderful time with Thinkman and getting to know Geoff and Jeanette. I hope you do well wherever you are right know!!!

    George MI am grateful for experiencing Rupert's musical talents as an artist. Words cannot fully express the emotions and memories that his music evoke for me.

    Ethan FI had the pleasure to hang out with Rupert and our extended musical family a couple times in the land of Aloha. What leapt out to me at the time:- Despite 50 years making music, Rupert was still the biggest music fan in any room. I've never witnessed anyone with such dedication to listening to songs. It's almost as if he never burned out or got jaded with the art itself.- He has a sharp intellect. We talked extensively about his digital initiatives to solve some deep-rooted problems with our present music system.I'd like to think that his partnership with Fay reflects well upon the man himself, as his wife is an extraordinary human-being with a big heart. I'm grateful for the opportunity to create these meaningful connections around our shared love of music. I imagine Rupert felt the same way.Thanks for the connection, fond memories, and great music. You'll be missed.

    Gregoire PMelancholic of the superb compositions of Rupert Hine who left us too early 😢Greetings and friendships from France ❤️

    Christoph ZI´m so ...I love his music (from quantum jump toall that follows) and quite all he has done  for / with othersThe Fixx,  Underworld,  Teitur, Susanne Vega and so many moreone of my real music Heroes, I´m sad...

    Mario KR.I.P. Rupert,"The set up" quickly became my favorite song for quite a while when I first heard it on Friday evening's radio at it's release. (Indeed I played it so often I got into some trouble with my older sister). I was 9 years old then. :-)Thank you so much for all your unique music. You won't be forgotten, that's for sure.

    Gary CThe production talents of Rupert on Chris De Burgh’s “The Getaway” in 1982 blew me away. I always have fond memories of excitedly heading into town to buy the follow up “Man on the Line” on the day of release back in May 1984. Placing the vinyl on the turntable and running a long headphone extension out the window to the garden and listening to the outstanding production and arrangements on that sunny May afternoon is a cherished memory.  I still play that album on the release anniversary every year.  I have so many other albums in my collection from Rupert’s solo work and Thinkman to Camel, Howard Jones and the One World project.  Thank you for all the music Rupert.

    Herman HRIP Rupert Hine,  thank you for numerous records and produced albums for artists/bands.......'but it's au revoir and not goodbye' (My Moon and Your Sun from the album The Deep End).🙏

    Roger GRoop was/is a man who changed my life, and in some small way I hope I changed his.  I'm grateful that over the decades, our friendship was always a constant.  He truly was a lovely man, a pure soul.

    Terry HI was at school with Rupert in the 60's - St John's College in Horsham where together we played in a band (once called the Aztecs). Our biggest claim to fame as 15 year olds was supporting The Who at a gig in a Sussex hotel: happy days.We re-established contact a few years back but never managed to meet up as planned. His musical career subsequently eclipsed our very amateur beginnings but I will always remember him wielding maracas, playing blues harmonica and thoroughly enjoying his position as lead singer. More importantly, he was a good friend with a great sense of humour, and I shall miss him.…my best wishes and condolences to his friends and family.

    Johan BI read of Rupert’s passing on Peter Gabriel’s page and was somewhat surprised by how much it saddened me. It wasn’t just because he was one of the four most influential musicians to inspire me in my early teens - the other three being Kate Bush, Gary Numan and Peter. It was because I feel I knew him. I was 13 when I heard him on the radio and ordered Immunity to the only record store in the small industrial town in central Finland I might have wasted my youth in if I hadn’t. Yes, that is an exaggeration, but as one of the quartet and as perhaps the most imaginative and uncompromising of them all he helped me see my divergence as an asset rather than an issue. I’m thankful for that and happy for all of us for having been touched by him. Today I gave my 39 year old Immunity a spin and traveled in time. Thank you, Rupert.

    Rob CDoesn't every teen need a musical hero?  You were mine, Roop.  My aunt ended up running Roop's office for a time.  So I started getting tapes of this strange, wonderful music with the oh so challenging and multi-layered lyrics.  Helped keep me sane in my teens and twenties...I was just playing some Thinkman...wondered how you were, found your obituary online.  I was shocked. Felt like the death of a family friend.  
    Rest in peace, Rupert. At least we have the music. And the words.
    You said it was hard
    You said it was tough
    And you were right
    But I've not had enough

    S K OgsmulleI love four music. Rest in peace 

    David MPHeard all his greats including the SAGA albums which are still my favorites today.  Music had it's 50 year magic phase and Mr. Hine was a huge part. I'd like to tell him thanks.

    RNHThe regal and rich voice and towering personality, The chiming, gurgling, breathy soundscapes and atmospheres. Such thoughtful, even intellectual approach to themes and structure. Almost unbelievable generosity of melodicism, some of it hiding in places you would least expect. I am in such awe of all the elements that come together to form a Rupert Hine production, project, album, song... Words seem hopeless to describe the unspoken effect that reaches in and touches something deep inside us. Something that awakens, motivates and inspires. Such is the magic of music. The first LP I ever bought with my own money was Saga's Worlds Apart when I was 10 years old. It began a deep appreciation for all those names in the fine print. And a love affair with the works of Rupert Hine. A total stranger, a world away, who I nevertheless have felt connected to all these years. I'm truly grateful for every thought, every note.

    From the Press

    Rupert Hine Obituary in The Times

    Obituary from The Times newspaper

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    Rupert Hine Obituary in the Guardian

    Obituary from The Guardian newspaper

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    Pro Sound Network: Producer/Artist Rupert Hine, Dead at 72

    Producer/Artist Rupert Hine, Dead at 72 from Pro Sound Network

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    Consequence of Sound: R.I.P. Rupert Hine, Producer for Rush, The Fixx, and More, Dies at 72

    Consequence of Sound: R.I.P. Rupert Hine, Producer for Rush, The Fixx, and More, Dies at 72

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    Media Confidential: RIP Rupert Hine

    RIP Rupert Hine from Media Confidential

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    A Tribute to Rupert Hine – Anthony Phillips

    A tribute to Rupert Hine by Anthony Phillips

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    Obituary from the New York Times

    Obituary on New York Times

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    Five Things I Learnt From Rupert Hine

    Five Things I Learnt From Rupert Hine by Stand Sure In Life

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    Rupert Hine Tribute | Suburban Underground Bonus Episode

    Suburban Underground released an impromptu bonus episode to pay tribute to Rupert Hine:

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    The Colorado Music Experience notes the passing of Rupert Hine, a British producer and songwriter who died June 4, at age 72, of cancer. Hine accumulated a vast number of credits in the 1980s, working with Tina Turner (her 1984 𝘗𝘳𝘪𝘷𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘋𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘳 comeback album), RUSH (1989’s 𝘗𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘰 and 1991’s 𝘙𝘰𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘉𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴), Stevie Nicks, Howard Jones, The Fixx and many other big names. Hine, a multi-instrumentalist, was also keen to pursue his own music, and we first met around the release of his first solo effort, 1981’s 𝘐𝘮𝘮𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘺. A gentlemanly sort, he stated his desire to stretch the boundaries of rock music, using an analogy of music and film to explain the disturbing textures found on his album. “Most records are quite harmless and effective, geared to get the listener to join in and tap his feet but not get involved,” he mused. “If you want to get involved, you can’t with music, but you can go see some recent films like 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘋𝘦𝘦𝘳 𝘏𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳 and get disturbed. I want music to affect me the same way as film, provided that it isn’t angular sound for the sake of it, like much new wave music.” The track “I Hang On to My Vertigo” matched Hine’s ambitious vision, featuring a terse, moody arrangement with a tone suggestive of Phil Collins’ “In the Air Tonight.” Some of the studio gimmickry was fascinating for its time—the solo on “Psycho Surrender” was simply an electronically treated yawn, and “I Think a Man Will Hang Soon” had its basic melody carried by screams put on a tape loop played through a keyboard. But listeners unaware of Hine’s studio expertise didn’t fully appreciate his craft. “I think footnotes to the ideology might give more enjoyment,” he said. “But you can fall into a trap. Robert Fripp, for example, is an avant-garde wizard who comes up with some amazing experiments in his mind, and he verbalizes his theories quite well. But his music just becomes a disastrous sidetrack. I prefer to think of my albums as collections of fairly specific ideas.” Hine went on to make timeless hits with others. R.I.P. to a confident, collected and charming chap. #coloradomusicexperience #ruperthine #ripruperthine

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